
Ultimate Guide: How to Get Rid of Eczema on the Face [Infographic]

Precious Ade

As good looking and attractive as you are, we know the worst thing you’d wish to have are eczema patches on your face.  

Is it the irritation that bothers you or the red facial discoloration that comes with eczema? Other struggles that might arise from it are social isolation and discrimination.

If you have found yourself in this situation, we’re sure that finding a solution to it is on your mind. 

Eczema should not be a reason for struggling with depression. We, at Holistic Remedies, have your back! 

In this blog post, we will cover actionable tips on how to get rid of eczema on your face.

Let's get started!

How to get rid of eczema infographic


Eczema: What is It?

Eczema is a condition that makes your skin turn red (inflamed), scaly, and itchy at the same time. Your doctor or dermatologist can also refer to it as atopic dermatitis. 

There is no specification for where an eczema rash can pop up. Simply put, it can appear on the most unexpected  parts of the body.

When it appears on the face, eczema can be even more uncomfortable. Do you know why? It is because the  skin on the face is thin and very sensitive. Your face is also a large part of your identity.

Quick facts about Facial Eczema

  • Facial eczema is not contagious from person to person.
  • Certain foods can trigger facial eczema.
  • Some people outgrow the condition, while others will continue to have it throughout adulthood.
  • Environmental factors can trigger facial eczema.
  • Presently, eczema can not be cured permanently. Research shows that could be due to genetic factors and many other factors. 

But the good news is, you can manage it so well that it’s no longer a problem for you anymore.

Be Certain: Is It Eczema?

It is important to be sure that your problem truly is eczema. This is why you should consult a doctor for proper diagnosis. 

Most people conclude that their skin problem is eczema when they have specific symptoms. However, the symptoms of eczema vary from person to person. 

Eczema is often itchy. For many people, the itchiness can be mild, moderate or severe. 

In worse cases, the skin is inflamed. In severe cases, the skin can bleed.

Generally, eczema is associated with these symptoms;

  • Dry, sensitive skin
  • Inflamed skin that appears red in lighter skin tones or brown in darker skin tones
  •  Itchy skin
  • Dark-colored patches of skin
  • Blisters

Only a dermatologist can ascertain if your condition is truly eczema. This is because the incidence of eczema is different from person to person.

You might have all these symptoms for eczema or you might not.

Face eczema usually affects the skin around the eyes and on the eyelids (mainly in adults).

These delicate areas require special attention when treating eczema on the face.

According to studies, people with facial eczema are predisposed to eye problems such as conjunctivitis, and inflamed cornea.

What Does Facial Eczema Look Like? 

Eczema in whites and blacks

Eczema causes darker or brown patches on black skin tones. The areas affected are usually crusty and painful. In some people with eczema, there are blisters. 

Similarly, red patches are characteristic of lighter skin people living with eczema. The areas affected are usually dry and may become hard due to continuous scratching. 

Many people mistake many other skin disorders as eczema. This confusion results in a lot of time wasted paying attention to the wrong issue.

Eczema-affected skin is often dry and irritated. Generally, dry skin without eczema is not as itchy as dry skin with eczema.

Dry skin responds well to moisturizer because humidity is immediately restored to such areas.

Also, mild flaking, dullness, and tightness associated with dry skin should not be misjudged as facial eczema. 

Facial eczema generally involves intense itchiness, cracked skin, and even bleeding.

Psoriasis is a skin disorder people often mistake for severe eczema. It has similar symptoms with eczema. 

Eczema and psoriasis can appear in almost all parts of the body. Both cause rashes and also have patches of red, raised skin. To differentiate between them, you have to pay attention to subtle differences like the degree of itchiness.

Difference between eczema and psoriasis


In one of his studies, Dr. Millstein made it known that psoriasis tends to cause milder itching, while eczema, on the other hand, can lead to very intense itching. 

Also, he stated that these two conditions could be further distinguished by sensitivity to heat.

Sunshine can ease psoriasis, whereas, on the other hand, heat can lead to flare-ups in eczema.

People also mistake acne for eczema. But they are different. Acne usually appears on an oily skin surface.

It appears as spots and not as dry, itchy patches seen in eczema. 

How is eczema different from acne? Eczema and acne



Eczema flare-ups occur due to certain triggers. This could be from the environment. Others are biological risk factors that increase susceptibility to the condition. 

Facial Eczema Triggers

As earlier mentioned, the skin on the very face is very delicate and, therefore, more susceptible to irritation. The following can trigger eczema on your face;

  • Food allergens: there are flare-ups of eczema in people's faces after taking certain food. Studies have shown that the most common triggers are nuts, shellfish, milk, or eggs.
  • Stress: To date, researchers aren't sure why stress can trigger eczema flare-ups. It will be safer if you avoid stress to reduce your flare-ups.
  • Heat
  • Environmental irritants and allergens: this comprises substances, materials, and chemicals we come in contact with in everyday life. 

They include ingredients found in your soaps, shampoos, and cleaning products, perfumes and fragrances, cigarette smoke, contact with metals, fabric, and fabric dyes.

  • Stress: To date, researchers aren't sure why stress can trigger eczema flare-ups. It will be safer if you avoid stress to reduce your flare-ups.
  • Hormone fluctuation: this happens mostly in women. They experience eczema flares with the rise and fall in certain hormones.

Caveat: What triggers facial eczema in one person may not affect another person's skin.

Risk Factors

There is still uncertainty about what causes eczema. The following factors have been seen to contribute to the likely development of this condition;

  • A family history of eczema: if any member of your immediate family has it you may likely have it too.
  • A diagnosis of asthma or allergies.
  • Autoimmune diseases: an individual with autoimmune disease is prone to developing eczema, though someone with a healthy immune system can have skin conditions.
  • Your location: studies have shown that people who live in the northern hemisphere, metropolitan areas, or places with pollution have more prevalence of eczema.
  • Your age: this is a significant determinant of eczema. Facial eczema is more often seen on babies or small children. Most children outgrow the condition, but the condition can continue to adulthood and affect people of all ages.


If you want to learn how to cure eczema permanently, the solution will be hard to find because there is no permanent cure for eczema.

However,  with these actionable tips for getting rid of your facial eczema, you will be able to reduce eczema symptoms to the barest minimum.

  1. Practice Good Hygiene-- Clean regularly with care

You might be wondering why this has to come up first. There are some people who believe  that eczema is associated with poor hygiene. 

Whereas if you have an excellent grade in cleanliness, taking your time, scrubbing your skin countlessly in a day, which we would sincerely say that's  impressive. 

The bottom line is, you have to up your cleanliness game. Some soaps can be harsh which  in turn, irritate your skin, making eczema worse. 

Washing with water alone may not be enough, especially if your face is oily. Instead, consider a mild, non-soap cleanser. 

You can clean with bare hand hands or with neat, smooth clothing. If you choose to clean with your bare hands, do so carefully in a gentle circular motion.

You can include this in your self-care morning routine. Alternatively, you can incorporate this self-care practice before bedtime. It all depends on your schedule. However, gentle cleaning twice a day may be more effective. 

  1. Moisturize your skin frequently

Hydrating your skin is the best first aid for eczema flares. This is most important when the skin is infected. 

The purpose is to keep your skin from drying out. Creams and ointments will give your skin the best hydration.

The best moisturizer you can use for maximum results is a hemp seed body butter like this one here. It helps in getting rid of facial eczema and also delivers many other skin health benefits.

The best time to hydrate and moisturize your skin is right after you wash your face. If your ointments are too greasy for a facial application, you can use them at night.

  1. Avoid direct sunlight

If heat is one of your eczema triggers, you will need to wear sunscreen. Commonly, products that contain zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are more easily sun-protective to the face. 

Also, sulfur-containing sun creams are good if you want to go all out against eczema. The sulfur ingredient is very effective in getting rid of eczema fast at home. 

Make sure you wash your face immediately when you are out of direct sunlight. Then, moisturize your face with hemp seed body butter.

  1. Keep an eye on the temperature and humidity

Keeping an eye on humidity starts with the temperature of water you use in bathing. When washing your face, use only cool water, not hot water. Hot showers can act as a trigger for your eczema. 

Also, make sure that your environment is neither too dry or too humid. These conditions also irritate the skin and worsen your eczema symptoms.

Ultimately, it’s best to stay away from places that are too hot or activities that would make you sweat. Profuse sweating can cause itching, thereby worsening your eczema.

  1. Use eczema-friendly cosmetics

Facial eczema should not stop you from looking good! You can still wear your makeup and look good. 

You just have to look for products with eczema-friendly content. If a product contains hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and shea butter, it might be a good one.

No matter how tempting the product's brand can be, avoid products with ingredients like parabens (they contain preservatives), salicylic and glycolic acids fragrances, and retinol, which can worsen irritation. 

  1. Take an eczema-friendly diet 

You can effectively fight eczema by eating  the right kinds of food. Taking an eczema-friendly diet is most applicable if a poor diet causes your eczema flare-ups.

The truth is, our skin health is a good indicator of the food choices we make. This is evident in research studies by medical professionals.

Certain kinds have been shown to cause eczema flare-ups. Therefore, it is important to avoid such foods. 

Examples of this kind of food are processed foods, some spices, soy products, dairy foods, and several others. 

It is important to know that these foods do not trigger eczema flare-ups in everybody. Different people have different food intolerances. 

Conversely, eczema-friendly foods that help you get rid of eczema are hemp seeds, banana, potato, fatty fish, and several others. 

  1. Wear  appropriate clothing

The most suitable clothing to wear while treating eczema is a smooth-textured one. You wouldn't want to get your skin irritated by a tight and rough fabric. 

Wearing tight and scratchy clothing will increase your itchiness . Clothing like this  can also rub off medicated moisturizers  like the hemp seed body butter you would use.

Also, do not apply unhealthy perfumes on the clothes you wear while eczema symptoms persist. Such scents do not go away completely by the time you wear the clothes. 

The little quantities of such perfumes in clothing could react with your skin and cause more discomfort. 

Lastly, make sure your clothing is free from insect and irritant particles. They can be found in wardrobes and laundry baskets. 

  1. Take care of your mental health 

Undoubtedly, eczema can be emotionally draining, and this is usually  due to the social problems associated with it. Coupled with other life issues, anxiety can set it. 

Furthermore, when you experience stress and mental struggle, this affects  your overall well-being and health. Particularly, it can negatively impact the immune system which may cause the body to respond ineffectively to drugs and other remedies. 

Therefore, avoid stressful situations that can increase anxiety.  Make sure you are not away from family and friends, always devise ways to find maximum relaxation. You deserve to feel good!

While anxiety lasts, you can use CBD products like this CBD Honey. Research shows that CBD is very effective in managing anxiety and pain. 

The Final Words

There is one tip you may find hard to follow-- do not scratch eczema affected areas. Facial eczema is usually itchy, but scratching the surface can lead to a more severe reaction..

 The skin becomes harder and inflamed with scratching. Refraining from  scratching, does not mean it will go away, however it does  prevent the symptoms from getting worse.

Swim in pools whenever you get the opportunity. The belief that you can't swim in a pool because of your eczema is a myth! Chlorine in pool water can actually eliminate microbes associated with your rash!

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