
11 Home Remedies to Treat Eczema on the Face

Precious Ade

eczema on black facial skin


Let's face it HR. Fam!

Eczema is painful --whether it is on the face, neck, legs, or hands. It makes the facial skin look dry and irritated. 

On top of that are the constant stares and endless comments that sink in.

Though medications are helpful in the treatment of facial eczema, research shows that eczema patients are embracing natural remedies to combat the symptoms. 

These alternative therapies are not only easy to use or find, they’re also home remedies for eczema; you will find useful. 

They include naturally found  plants, products, and simple practices that will positively impact your overall wellbeing. 

So what are these holistic remedies for eczema? 

Let's dive in! 


Witch hazel is a potent herb for managing eczema. It is a plant native to North America that is useful because of its medicinal properties. 

Witch hazel is useful in skin toning and has antimicrobial properties. 

What is more exciting is the fact that witch hazel is good for dry, itchy skin. It adds enough moisture to the skin and gives it a healthier look. 

You would agree that this is very useful in the management of severe eczema where dryness and itching are common problems. 


How to Use Witch Hazel for Eczema on Face

You can follow these steps to use witch hazel for eczema on the face.

Step 1: Gently wash your face with fresh water.

Step 2: Pat the wet, facial skin dry with a clean towel.

Step 3: Using a swab cotton wool, apply witch hazel to the affected areas.

Step 4: Add a moisturizer to the affected areas.

Caveat: Do not use witch hazel with high alcohol content. It will dry out your skin and cause more damage.  

Additionally, use any witch hazel you buy on a small area of skin first. It could be on your thigh or feet. 

This will help you to know if it is safe for you or not. 



Yes. You read that right! Honey is effective in treating eczema. 

Apart from the fact that it has a sweet taste, you probably don't know that you can use honey to treat eczema. 

It is a natural product from a type of insect called honeybees. Scientists say it contains up to 200 substances. 

Medical scientists also say that it is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory agent.  

A research study by Arabian scientists shows that honey clears eczema lesions. It also revealed that it eliminates bacteria well.

Topical honey products can be in the form of a cream or ear drops.  It depends on the purpose for using it. 


How to Use Honey for Eczema on the Face

You can use any of these methods to clear eczema with honey. 

Skin Mask Method

Step 1: Clean your face with fresh water.

Step 2: Apply a thick layer of honey on the facial skin with eczema. Let it stay there for at least 20 minutes.

Step 3: Wash the mask off with fresh water

Step 4: Pat your face with a clean towelette.

Night Time Method

Step 1: Wash your face and hands with fresh water

Step 2: Apply a thin layer of honey to the facial skin affected by eczema. 

Step 3: Use cotton gauze to cover the site. Let it stay there throughout the night. 

Step 4: Remove the cotton gauze when you wake up in the morning.

Step 5: Wash your face with clean water. 

Caveat: Only use medical-grade honey for treating eczema. Only those types do not contain contaminants. 

Do not use honey if you are allergic to it. Allergic reaction to it might come with discomfort and swelling.


 Aloe Vera gel is obtained from the leaf of an aloe vera plant. People have used aloe vera gel for centuries in the management of a wide range of ailments. 

It is known to be a natural cream such that many people find that aloe vera gel can hydrate and soothe eczema-damaged skin.

A review in 2015 revealed that aloe vera has antibacterial, antimicrobial, immune system-boosting, and wound-healing properties. 

The antimicrobial and antibacterial properties help to prevent skin infection, which could occur if you have dry skin.


How to Use Aloe Vera Gel for Eczema on Face

You can apply Aloe vera products like other skin moisturizers. It is used directly on the affected areas of the skin and gently rubbed in.

Here is how to use aloe vera gel for eczema on the face: 

Step 1: Wash the aloe vera leaf thoroughly. 

Step 2: Gently clean the surface of the skin with unscented soap and water. 

Step 3: Like you would cut open your orange, sliced open the aloe vera to expose the gel. 

Step 4: Smoothly rub the gel in the aloe vera on the regions affected by eczema for about 2 minutes.

Step 5: Now, you can wash it away after it has stayed on your face for about 20 minutes. 

Using an unscented soap is perfect because your skin might react to chemicals in scented soaps. 

You can repeat this procedure twice a day. It is most advisable in the morning and the evening for quick results.

If you can not use the aloe vera up at once, you can store it in a fridge to maintain its freshness.

Caveat: When using your aloe vera products, you should choose the one with few ingredients. 

Why? Some contain preservatives, fragrances, alcohol, and colors, all of which can irritate sensitive skin types. 

Alcohol and some drying ingredients can make eczema worse.

Skin sensitivity varies from individuals, as aloe vera gel can cause a stinging and burning sensation.

Therefore, it is advisable to start with a small amount of gel to check for sensitivity.



Coconut oil is not a permanent solution to eczema. However, it effectively reduces the symptoms of eczema. 

It often does this by soothing the skin, easing skin irritation, and alleviating the risk of infection.  

Coconut oil holds beneficial fatty acids that moisturize the skin. This will help in eliminating dry skin in eczema. According to science, the fat content of the oil comes from lauric acid.

Coconut oil yields innumerable wellness benefits when you ingest it or use it topically. One of its advantages is optimum hydration.

Further, a study has reported that the topical use of virgin coconut oil improves hydration in children with eczema. Therefore, it is a safe home remedy for eczema in babies.

On top of this, coconut oil helps to fight bacteria. The lauric acid present in it fights fungi and viruses that might be breathing on the skin. 

This helps to eradicate the risk of infection produced by scratching itchy skin.  Amongst other benefits of coconut oil are the reduction of inflammation and pain, and reduction of oxidative stress.

When getting your coconut oil, choose a high-quality, organic coconut oil labeled as either cold-pressed or virgin. The cold-pressed or virgin label indicates the coconut oil you put on your face was extracted without chemicals that could irritate your skin. 


How to Use Coconut Oil for Eczema on Face

Apply coconut oil on the part of the skin exhibiting the symptoms of eczema. 

The skin should be wet before applying the oil; this helps keep the skin moisturized and reduce the chance of inflammation. 

It is strongly advised that you put coconut oil on your skin overnight for maximum absorption.

You don't have to be bothered if you have the eczema patches on your eyelid. Apply with caution, so it doesn't get into your eyes. 

You can use any product that contains coconut oil if it is produced by a trusted brand. An example is  Hemp Seed Body Butter.

Coconut oil is not harmful to the eyes; it may even be beneficial. It only coats your eyes, which might blur your vision, so you should apply at night when you are about to go to bed.

Caveat: There are a few dos and don'ts to the use of coconut oil among which are:

  You should not stop your current medical treatment when you are about to commence its use. 

 Inform your doctor about your decision. Also, seek their opinion on how you should proceed.

If you are allergic to coconut, do not apply coconut oil on your skin.



Oatmeal has been used from time past to soothe scaly, dry, and itchy skin, as seen in eczema. The product of oat most useful for eczema is colloidal oatmeal. 

It is also known as Avena sativa, and it is made from oats that have been crushed and boiled to extract their skin-healing properties. 

It contains unique antioxidant and anti-inflammatory plant chemicals called avenanthramides. These chemicals boost both skin and overall health. 

It is an active ingredient found in some cosmetic products like moisturizers, shampoos, and shaving creams. 

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has even categorized colloidal oatmeal as a skin protectant.


How to Use Oatmeal for Eczema on Face

Using colloidal oatmeal for eczema is a straightforward process. 

You just have to massage the eczema-affected areas with colloidal oatmeal gently.

You can also add powdered colloidal oatmeal to a warm bath and soak yourself in it.

Caveat: Colloidal oatmeal is safe to use in all ages. Some people are also allergic to it. Therefore, don't use it if you are allergic to it.



If you have been reading about hemp, you would understand its remarkable benefits. 

Beyond the stigma associated with hemp, it is effective in treating eczema. 

Hemp seed body butter is used for eczema because of its all-day hydration.

Hemp seed body butter contains omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, making the skin look youthful and feel good!

The cannabidiol (CBD) component of hemp seed body butter relieves pain, redness, and itching symptoms of eczema.

CBD is the second most prevalent component of marijuana. Contrary to popular belief, it does not make you feel high. 

 A study by Italian scientists shows that CBD-infused ointment (like hemp seed body butter) is an excellent therapeutic agent for eczema, acne, and psoriasis. Also, it reports no allergic reaction throughout the experiment. 

Another study by American doctors shows that using CBD for skin inflammation is safe. It shows that it soothes the skin and eliminates microbes. Additionally, the subjects reported relief in joint and arthritis pains at the end of the study. 

Therefore, hemp seed body butter is not just a solution to eczema. It will help your holistic wellness. 


How to Use Hemp Seed Body Butter for Eczema on the Face

You can never go wrong with hemp seed Body Butter. Most users use it in the morning or in the evening. 

You can follow these steps to use hemp seed body butter for eczema treatment. 

Step 1: Take a thorough bath with fresh water. If the area affected by eczema is small, you wash only the part gently with fresh water. 

Step 2: Gently apply a dollop of the hemp seed body butter on the surface. Do this caution to avoid irritating the skin and causing pain. 

Step 3: Gently rub the hemp seed body butter on the surface. Make sure it is fully absorbed into the skin.



Apple cider vinegar (ACV) is a newer home therapy that is being used to treat a variety of conditions, including infections. 

Typically, an acidic barrier protects our healthy skin. However, the skin pH level (<5.0) increases in eczema. Thus, the protective barrier will not function well. 

In this state, moisture escapes from the skin. This allows the entry of irritants.

How does the ACV work in this process? It has an acidic nature that restores your skin's natural pH. 


How to Use Apple Cider Vinegar for Eczema on Face

There are numerous options for using ACV to help treat your eczema. You can try any of these methods:

ACV Bath Method

Step 1: Add 2 cups of ACV to a warm bath.

Step 2: Soak your body in it for about 15 to 20 minutes.

Step 3: Rinse with fresh water, followed with a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer.

ACV Wet Wrap Method

Step 1: Mix a cup of warm water and a tablespoon of the vinegar.

Step 2: Smear the solution on the cotton gauze.

Step 3: Cover the dressing in clean cotton fabric and place on the affected area. Leave it in the area for 3 hours.

Caveat: Always dilute apple cider vinegar before applying on the skin. Undiluted vinegar can cause chemical burns or other injuries.



Tea tree oil is gotten from the leaves of the Melaleuca alternifolia tree. This oil is useful in managing skin problems, including eczema. 

In 2011, a study found that tea tree oil was more effective in the treatment of eczema than topical treatments of zinc oxide or ichthammol. 

Doctors recommend the oil because it reduces inflammation and helps in wound healing.

Further, tea tree oil is effective in calming allergic reactions and fighting viruses. It is suitable for treating dandruff and constant itching.


How to Use Tea Tree Oil for Eczema on Face

Creams containing 5 percent tea tree oil are safe. They should also have all-natural formula because the harsh chemical can irritate the skin.

You can dab a little amount of diluted tea tree oil on the back of your hand and rub to blend into your skin. You don't need to wash it off, just let it absorb into your skin just like a lotion.

You can also combine hand creams or soaps containing tea tree oil into your routine.

You can use tea tree oil on virtually any external area of the body, but also it is essential to do so safely. 

Caveat: Use only preparations specifically designed for the face, scalp, or eyelashes. The facial skin and scalp are sensitive. 

Therefore, a person should take caution when doing this.



Calendula oil is a natural oil extracted from marigold flowers (Calendula officinalis), and it is often used as a complementary or alternative treatment. 

Calendula oil has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antifungal properties that might make it beneficial in healing wounds, relieving eczema, and soothing diaper rash.


How to Use Calendula Oil for Eczema on Face

Calendula oil is typically made by drenching marigold flowers, and the resulting product is quite sticky. 

You can mix it with coconut oil because of its moisturizing property and apply it to the affected area of the body.

You can use products containing calendula oil into your routine. An example is the CBD Healing Balm. It contains the right amount of calendula oil you need to clear eczema on the face.



I can tell that you are surprised to see "baths" among the list of home remedies to treat eczema.

You are probably wondering now that at least you have your bath every day. Well, you are right. 

You take your bath every day. But we will talk about some things you need to know when bathing. How you have been doing it wrongly, and how it can help to improve your skin health in a condition like eczema.

Bathing is a significant part of eczema treatment. In a person that has a skin condition such as eczema, the skin lacks moisture, and moisture is needed because the outer layer will not be functioning as it should.

In some people, bathing often can dry out the skin and make eczema worse. This may be because the water is too hot or cold. 

It could also be because you are using the wrong soap or not moisturizing afterward. 

A study recommends that adults should shower at least once a day.  It also suggests that:

You should use lukewarm water

. Have a bathing limit of 10–15 minutes.

You should avoid scrubbing the skin.

They should use gentle cleansers instead of soaps and also

Try different types of medicinal baths, such as those with baking soda, vinegar, or oatmeal as we earlier have discussed in this article.

After a relieving shower, you should moisturize within the next 3 minutes. 

Then, pat the skin dry with a towel 

Apply an oil-based moisturizer before the skin has fully dried. 

 This will help retain water (moisture) from the bath before it evaporates.



Managing eczema might require making some changes to what you eat and how you live. 

A clear example of this is avoiding foods that cause eczema flares. Such foods include soy, wheat, fish, milk, peanuts, spices, tomatoes, etc. 

These foods cause the human body to release some chemicals which elicit inflammation. This leads to eczema flares in susceptible individuals. 

However, some foods help fight eczema. Such foods contain chemicals that are beneficial for the eczema healing process. Examples of such foods are: 


Green onions



Generally, foods that contain probiotics and quercetin help fight eczema. 

Caveat: Foods listed here as eczema-friendly might cause eczema flares in some individuals. The reason is human beings have different allergies. 

It is important to know your food allergies. Here is a method you can use: 

Remove certain foods from your diet for two weeks. 

Include them again one after the other at the end of the two-week break.  

Wrapping it All Up

Eczema should not stop you from feeling good! Though it can not be cured permanently at present. 

However, the home remedies above have always been effective in reducing the symptoms. 

Your doctor has the final say in your medical care. Therefore, inform your doctor of the home remedies you are trying.  

We trust you found this article helpful. And you have learned a lot on how to cure eczema on your face at home. 

Your eczema flares and overall wellness will definitely improve upon the implementation of these tips. Do not hesitate to share and comment. 



1. Complementary and alternative medicine treatments for atopic eczema

2. Honey is potentially effective in the treatment of atopic dermatitis:

3. Evaluation of biological properties and clinical effectiveness of Aloe vera

4. The Effect of Topical Virgin Coconut Oil on SCORAD Index,

5. The Properties of Lauric Acid and Their Significance in Coconut Oil

6. Colloidal Oatmeal: History, Chemistry and Clinical Properties

7. Bleach for Atopic Dermatitis : Dermatitis

8. Tea Tree Oil Attenuates Experimental Contact Dermatitis

9. Bathing and Eczema

10. A Therapeutic Effect of CBD-Enriched Ointment in Inflammatory Skin Diseases and Cutaneous Scars

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