
13 Tips to Manage Eczema in Summer

Precious Ade

13 tips to help you manage eczema in summer

HR Fam….You would agree that summer holds along with it a lot of joyful moments. It is often considered the most memorable season of the year.

During this time, nature is full of bright colors, birds singing, everything around you flourishing, plant, and trees fruiting. Plenty of flowers are blooming with different colors and its amazing scents filling the air.

But apart from that, what else do you know about summer? If you take away  the fun, clear, pleasant ambience, it is the hottest season of the year. The temperature can stay warm even after the sun has gone down at night.

As summertime remains a happy time for some people, it is the worst nightmare for others--especially people living with eczema. 

Many people are aware that eczema tends to flare during winter, but they are ignorant that it is worse during summer. The hot, humid days of summer make the skin dryness and itchiness become extreme.

We don’t want you  knocking yourself out with thoughts of how to manage eczema in the heat. Here, we discuss the controversies associated with eczema in summer and 15 ways to manage your eczema during this summer. 


Eczema, also known as dermatitis, is a common skin condition that causes the skin to become irritated and inflamed. It also causes the skin to be itchy, followed by a rash. The affected area appears dry, scaly, and the skin turns red. 

The condition can make it difficult to spend any time in the open or enjoy traditional summer activities. Eczema patches might appear on a part of the body or they can be spread widely across the body.


As earlier mentioned,  summer is known for it’s  increased temperature. Higher temperatures  usually lead to more sweating.  Therefore, the intense sunshine we experience in summer can trigger eczema flares-ups.

According to a study published in 2017, sweating is the leading enemy for eczema-prone skin because it causes an irritation to increase.

Your sweat contains several types of salt that irritate broken skin from eczema. According to the National Eczema Association, the buildup of zinc, copper, iron, nickel, cadmium, lead, manganese, sodium, and chloride, which are all found in the sweat, results in irritation.

You may  notice that your eczema worsens in places like your elbows, the back of the neck, or the backs of the knees. This happens because eczema aggravates areas where moisture (sweat) is trapped. 

Also, because summer is a favorable season for flowers and trees, pollen and many other environmental air allergens increase. An American dermatologist showed that pollen could stimulate the release of histamine, which can cause itching.


To answer the question, “how do you treat eczema in the summer?” We have compiled tips you will find helpful. 

We understand that summer might not be the perfect time  for people with eczema. So we’re happy to share the following tips with you,  that will make you  rosy and sweet! 

  1. Up your water intake game

Drink a lot of water. Water helps you stay hydrated, and it helps keep your body at normal temperature.

At normal body temperature, your sweat rate is at its least. By eliminating  profuse sweat, you limit eczema flare-ups. Frequent water intake also prevents breaks in skin.

  1. Keep your skin moisturized 

Dry skin is also a common trigger for eczema flares. Applying moisturizers will avoid your skin getting dry.

The best time to moisturize your skin is within a few minutes after a shower, to lock-in hydration. If your ointments are too thick or greasy, you should use them at night.

A good product that can help with this is hemp seed body butter. It is made of beneficial ingredients that keeps the skin moisturized all day. 

  1. Don’t scratch it

There are cases where you can find yourself in an inconvenient situation that might make you want to scratch your body. Rather opt for a cool and well-ventilated place to minimize itching and provide relief from the aggravation.

Scratching your skin would worsen the problem. It breaks the topmost layer of the skin, causing bacterial infections as well as worsening eczema.

  1. Wear breathable clothing

Tight clothing irritates the skin by sticking to the skin’s surface, making your body temperature increase. These conditions are prone to flare-ups. Wear loose, breathable fabric.

For example, if you wear a lightweight, long sleeve dress to protect your skin from sunburn, that also allows air-flow to your skin.

  1. Wear lightly-colored clothing when possible

Always pay close attention to the color of your apparel. Try to avoid blacks or dark-colored clothing. Dark color attracts and absorbs more heat, causing you to sweat, which leads to eczema flare-ups.

  1. Swim and moisturize afterwards

Swimming is one of the most popular activities for the summer Most people don’t know that every swimming pool is treated with chlorine, including saltwater pools.

Excess chlorine in poolwater can irritate your skin even while it eliminates microbes on the skin surface. Therefore, make sure the swimming pool you choose to swim in does not contain excess chlorine.

After you are done swimming, shower and immediately pat your skin dry before applying  a high-quality moisturizer.

  1. Go fragrance-free

You have been advised to moisturize regularly. But when doing so, always go for a fragrance-free product. Your skin could be the ultra-sensitive type, and such skin with eczema flare-ups when fragrance filled moisturizer is applied.

  1. Make cooling towels your companion

Remaining cool during summer must be your top priority. Keep it in mind to carry cool rags or towels everywhere you go. You can place your towel on your skin to cool down, while keepingyour skin hydrated. 

You can also freeze washcloths or carry a cooler-bag with bottles of cold water and a washcloth to wipe off any sweat.

This is especially helpful when you are tempted to scratch your skin.

  1. Showers with cool or lukewarm water

After the day full of stress-filled activities, take a shower using cool or lukewarm water. Hot showers or baths can damage your skin and even worsen your rashes.

During summer, the weather is usually warm all day. Taking a hot bath or shower after a hot day can cause your body temperature to increase. And as a result, eczema flare-ups can  develop.. 

  1. Keep your skin clean

Without any doubt, maintaining basic hygiene  is especially important in the summer when your sweat increases. Regular baths help rid the skin of bacteria. It also helps wash away accumulated sweat and dust on the surface of the skin. 

Caveat: It is recommended that you use a mild soap with no fragrance, dyes or chemical to avoid irritation.

Always try to change your clothes at least twice daily to avoid accumulation of sweat on your clothes.

  1. Use an air purifier to battle environmental triggers

An air purifier would help decrease the presence of dust and other allergens in your home. We recommend getting one. This means the air circulating in your environment will be fresher and healthier.

A study on allergen shows that after 24 weeks of having an air purifier in a home, there were few pollutants in the air, and the eczema symptoms reduced by 18 percent.

  1. Use eczema-friendly cosmetics

If you happen to have eczema patches on your face, you need not be too bothered. It doesn’t mean you can’t, or you shouldn’t wear makeup. What you need to do is to look for products with hydrating ingredients like hyaluronic acid and shea butter.

No matter how tempting the brand of the product can be or how much it might have been recommended, steer clear of a product with ingredients like parabens (they contain preservatives), salicylic and glycolic acids, fragrances, and retinol, as they can worsen irritation. We strongly recommend hempseed body butter.

13. Stay indoor

Flowers and trees flourish during summer. Due to this, allergens are more prevalent in the environment,increasing your chances of picking them up.

By saying indoors, you reduce your exposure to these allergens. It also helps you to stay cooler and reduces other skin irritations caused by  sweating.

Wrapping It All Up


Eczema has no cure yet but you can manage it by taking all necessary precautions.Follow these eczema management tips for a great summer!

Do not forget that the dermatologist's words are final. Carry your doctor along with any decision you are making about your skin, tell him about the summer management tips you intend to try.

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